Structural Integration
Structural Integration
The International Professional School of Bodywork is a full-service school of massage and bodywork, offering technical training and academic degrees (Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts) in the field of somatic bodywork. At IPSB the body is not only an object of science, but also of art and humanities.
The Rolf Structural Integration program at IPSB consists of 300 classroom hours:
An Introductory course, “Principles of Structural Integration” (30 hours) is followed by “Specialization A” which includes demonstration and practice (on other students) of Dr. Rolf’s ten-session series of Structural Integration. “Specialization B” includes demonstration and supervised practice of the ten-session series on client-models.
We are confident that our students graduate with outstanding skill in touch sensitivity, understanding of movement and balance, and mastery of the Rolf method of Structural Integration.
Entry requires at least 120 hours of prior training in bodywork.
For further information, please call
(858) 505-1100
or toll-free
(800) 748-6497
1366 Hornblend Street (Pacific Beach),
San Diego, California 92109
Edward W. Maupin, Ph.D. (U.Mich., Psychol. 1962) studied Structural Integration with Dr. Ida Rolf in 1968-70. One of the early Esalen Rolfers, he has practiced her ten-session series ever since, integrating dance movement methods to assist in communicating Dr. Rolf’s vision of a dynamic relation to gravity.
As a psychologist, he has emphasized the role of awareness, experience, and communication in the work.
Henry Price Kagey, M.A., has been apprentice, assistant, and now primary teacher with Ed Maupin for more than a decade. In addition to studying at IPSB, he trained as a practitioner with the Guild for Structural Integration. He has mastered a variety of movement arts, including award-winning performance of T’ai Chi Chuan.
Ron Arbel, HHP, studied Structural Integration at IPSB and has taught in the program for five years. Deeply competent, intelligent, and resourceful, he supervises much of the hands-on work of students. Because he is also organized and practical, he is our program coordinator